Becoming a Member


Thank you for your interest in joining The TouchDown Club’s (“TDC”) Newman Class of 2025-2026. TDC was formed by John Poston and a group of his close friends who worked together towards one cause: raising money to establish and fund the operations of The Ashford Rise School of Dallas. The Rise School is a preschool that provides the highest quality of early childhood education services to children (6 months to 6 years) with Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities side by side with children without disabilities in an inclusive classroom setting. Hence the name, “Touch” “Down” club.  In August 2016, The Rise School formally merged with the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas – the Ashford Rise School of Dallas is now located in The Moody Family YMCA in the Park Cities.

In 1998, The TouchDown Club of Dallas started with around thirty members and today the club has grown to over 450+ active members and alumni across all professional industries in Dallas. TDC continues to be the lifeblood of YMCA Rise, raising over $1,000,000 annually to help improve the lives of children with disabilities and their families. Since the club’s inception, TDC has raised over $20,000,000 through our various annual events, such as: Rise Roundup, The Rise Cup Classic, The Stallings Award, TDC’s Big Texas BBQ, and Runway for Rise. Proceeds from these events benefit The Ashford Rise School of Dallas and allow the program to continue to provide the highest quality early developmental and educational services to children with Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities.

Since the inception of TDC, each year a membership committee elects a Newman Class of eighteen (18) professional, like-minded gentlemen to join the club who are enthusiastically committed to students and families of The Rise School as well as the club’s mission:

  • Raise money for Rise!
  • Have fun doing it!

TDC is integral to the success of The Rise School.  Each year the club makes a large contribution to the school and the TDC endowment fund dedicated to the sustainability of this incredible and unique program. 

Our motto is and has always been: It’s all for the kids!


  • All donations raised through TDC will be allocated to the Rise School from July 2025 through June 2026.
  • Raise a minimum of $35,000 in charitable contributions and attend all events for the year.
  • As a team, TDC will provide ample opportunities to assist in reaching your goal.
  • The application outlines the mandatory events that you must be present for in order to complete the Newman year. Event dates are TBD and will be updated prior to the application deadline. Required attendance and participation in following events:
    • Newman Dinner
    • Newman Retreat
    • Monthly Newman Meetings (Boiler Rooms)
    • All five (5) major fund raising events in both a volunteer or attendance capacity
  • Walk with your Newman Class through “graduation” by attending multiple events, both social (TDC StyroCup, Member-Member Party, Christmas Party, happy hours, etc.) and fundraising (Newman Boiler Rooms, Rise RoundUp, Rise Cup Classic, etc.)
  • The Rise School is a six-year program which helps children with disabilities learn basic educational and developmental skills so they might enter elementary school by the average age. You will join TDC just as a new class of students enters The Rise School. We expect you to stay actively involved with TDC until your class graduates. 
  • Each Newman is encouraged to visit/tour the school (preferably during the application process). During the year you will be asked to go and read to the students. This is a very impactful experience for both the kids and YOU.
  • If selected to be a member of the TDC, you will be required to undergo a background check and motor vehicle record check. By submitting your application, you acknowledge your awareness of this requirement. A Consumer Report Disclosure form will be provided to you before the background check is conducted.
  • Each Newman is required to pay for their Annual Membership Dues of $1,250.
  • Have fun, socialize and make TDC better than you found it!

Year Two: Second Year TDC members will have involvement in different event committees, and an annual fundraising requirement of $2,500. Two (2) members for each of the eight (8) total events, committees and roles listed below. 

1)         Rise Round Up                 4) Newman Coordinators                7) Styro-Cup

2)         Rise Cup Classic               5) Newman Membership                 8) TDC Holiday Party  

3)         Big Texas BBQ                  6)  Major Gifts             

Year Three: Third Year TDC members will be expected to take increased roles and responsibilities within the event committees, and leadership roles in the club.  Members can continue on the same committee, move to a new committee, or propose that a new committee be started if there is satisfactory board support for the plan behind such committee. President is in charge of annual reassignments.  Stay involved with the school and your class.

Year Four +: Fourth Year TDC members will transition into leadership roles within the club, for those who have earned it. Stay involved with the school and your class.

APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2025-2026 YEAR WILL BE AVAILABLE April 1st – May 1st, 2025 (12:00PM)

Please only include ONE active TDC Member as your sponsor in the application below. Each active member can only sponsor one (1) person so please check with your sponsor prior to completing the application. If selected to be a member of the TDC, you will be required to undergo a background check and motor vehicle record check. By submitting your application, you acknowledge your awareness of this requirement. A Consumer Report Disclosure form will be provided to you before the background check is conducted.

Applicant Calendar 2025 – 2026

April 1st  Application Opens

May 1st  Application Deadline (12:00PM – no exceptions)

If you have difficulty submitting the application, please reach out to Blake Poston [email protected] or David Wheless [email protected]

May 14th  Applicant Breakfast #1 (Rise School of Dallas 8:00am)

May 28th  Applicant Breakfast #2 (Rise School of Dallas 8:00am)

June 11th Applicant Breakfast #3 (Rise School of Dallas 8:00am)

TDC sponsored breakfasts are for applicants to meet the selection committee members and tour the Rise School.

June 20th Newman Class Announced

Newman 2025-2026 Schedule

June 24th Newman Happy Hour

Newman Dinner TBD (attendance mandatory)

Newman Retreat TBD (attendance mandatory)

Thank you for your support! Help us succeed by donating today!